Meet Our Pollinating Friends!
There are currently tens of thousands of BEES at the Taylor Street Farm, but fear not! These bees are being supplied and serviced by expert professionals from Alvéole, an urban beekeeping company that hails from Manitoba, Canada. They’ll take care of the bees, and we’ll enjoy the benefits.
Alvéole seeks out the perfect location to install their hives to provide the bees and the surrounding neighborhood with an ecological edge. With the addition of the bee hives from the team at Alvéole, farmers at TSF will enjoy the company of happy little bees scampering about their business of helping our plants grow.
Our 2019 Alvéole Team (left to right), Ashley Barton, Shelby Schulman, Travis Sherlin and Alex Ansari
Tending to the Aviary
On a September afternoon, the team stopped by to check the aviary and gave an impromptu explanation of how the taste of honey in different parts of the comb is affected by which plants are flowering at the time the pollen is brought back to the hive.
Do they sting?
Certainly, and if anyone has a bee allergy, please take necessary precautions. With that said, these bees are not aggressive in the least, and they will not attack or sting… unless threatened. So, it is recommended that no farmers at TSF pick a fight with the bees.
Otherwise, just take notice of how calm, pleasant and peaceful the bees are. They seem very happy with the spot that Alvéole chose for them, and we dare say the benefits are already evident, just by looking at everyone’s growing gardens.
Fun Fact:
Mead, wine made from honey, is the most ancient fermented beverage. The term “honeymoon” originated with the Norse practice of consuming large quantities of Mead during the first month of a marriage.