Rules and Membership Practices
As a member of Taylor Street Farms, I agree to:
Complete an application and pay the dues to help cover garden expenses such as water, supplies, and services.
Always close the gate during my visit, and lock the gate when I leave if there is a lock present.
Maintain my bed area with care, plant by July 1 or forfeit my bed, remove weeds before they go to seed. Carry weeds out of the garden.
Pick crops from my own bed only. Teach my family to do the same.
Volunteer at least 7 hours per season toward community efforts (e.g., maintaining pathways, sitting areas, and fence lines to keep the garden tidy; working on communal spaces; helping with donations; and managing or garden projects). Check notices about chores. Record my work, as directed.
Conserve water. Turn off the hose nozzles. Water only my bed, unless asked. Turn off leaky hoses at the base and notify the Steering Committee about leaks via Facebook or at taylorstreetfarms @ gmail dot com. Understand that the Chicago Water Department gave TSF permission to open the hydrant on the condition that we conserve water.
Clean and return communal tools to a safe place in the tool shed. Remove soil and mud from tools and reduce the spread of soil germs by spraying tool blades with alcohol every time I use them.
Clear my bed of inorganic materials by November 15 and winterize the bed by removing non-cover crops by December 1, unless I grow for three seasons.
Control spreading plants such as mint, lemon balm, cane fruits, blackberries, raspberries. I won’t plant them in my bed.
Respect open hours as sunrise to sunset, 7 days a week.
Put only healthy organic waste capable of decaying easily in TSF’s compost pile. Cut all compost contributions into small pieces. Avoid adding blooming or seeding weeds to the compost.
To respect the values of the Taylor Street Farms mission, I will aim to:
Maintain healthy soil using organic methods (e.g., using compost, planting cover crops, and reducing tillage).
Use only organic fertilizers and insect repellents and avoid any type of herbicide.
Use natural materials in lieu of plastics or synthetics.
Avoid planting genetically modified plants.
Be considerate of neighboring farmers by controlling any tall or sprawling crops in my bed and limiting my use of additional planting containers around my bed.
Be responsible for notifying the Steering Committee if I must abandon my bed for any reason.
Pick up trash and litter, and dispose of them at home.
Dig up weeds and sick plants to throw away at home.
Keep the garden space safe by putting tools away and supervising children, helping them to understand the proper use of gardening equipment.
Keep my pets out of the garden, and remove all pet waste from around the property.