Community Requirements
This knowledge helps us all keep Taylor Street Farms functioning smoothly and safely for everyone!
Gardening with us
If you are interested in urban gardening and can commit to the responsibilities of Taylor Street Farms Gardener, we’d love to have you join us! If you need a more flexible time commitment, consider joining as an Associate Gardener!
$125 – First Year as a Gardener
$60 – Returning as a Gardener
Being a Gardener means:
Committing to the weekly maintenance of a personal garden plot during summer months
Contributing a minimum of 7 volunteer hours to the garden community*
Having access to and use of communal facilities, including gardening implements, water and hoses, composting bins, and shed
Having a full voice and vote at Taylor Street Farms meetings (one vote per garden plot)
Agreeing to follow the garden’s Constitution and Rules and Practices
Associate Gardeners
$25 – Annually
Being an Associate Gardener means:
Tending to communal garden areas (not a personal garden plot) during summer months
Volunteering as many hours as you like to the garden community*
Having access to and use of communal facilities, including gardening implements, water and hoses, composting bins, and shed
Having a full voice at Taylor Street Farms meetings but no vote
Agreeing to follow the garden’s Constitution and Rules and Practices
*Some ways to volunteer include mowing the lawn, managing the water hook-up, filling water barrels, coordinating crop donations, assisting with family programs and events, participating in workdays, and making general repairs.
Gardener Orientation
Taylor Street Farms requires that new members attend an orientation at the farm, please view the following presentation prior.
New member orientation dates will be announced soon.
Rules and Practices
All Gardeners and Associate Gardeners participating in the Taylor Street Farms Community Garden (TSF) agree to follow the rules and practices that have been established by garden leadership. Failure to follow the rules and practices may result in a member losing their assigned plot or garden privileges. TSF leadership reserves the right to reassign beds to someone on the waitlist.
Governing Documents
The Steering Committee is updating the governing documents this year of 2025. Current Steering Committee members include: Carlie Anglemire, John Baldwin, Sharon Baldwin, Yanxia Cao, Julie Chavez, Andrea Crandall, Laurel Foglia, Sally Freeman, Juliana Ludema McPherron, Dao Nguyen, Katie Schneider.